Corporate Governance
Corporate Governance
The Board of Seong Henng is committed to safeguard stakeholders’s interest and ensure that investors are aware of the performance of the company’s business. We consider it as an important practice to assure transparency and stability in corporate operations. Our team ensures to carry out activities within the framework of honesty, integrity, diligence and care.
The company has undertaken processes to conduct their activity which protects the interest and assets of the stakeholders. We combine high standards of governance, safety and performance. We work continuously on ways of improving the compliance and governance section through regularly providing training and development to our personnel.
Our mission is to fulfil the social responsibilities and contribution at our best to the worldwide engineering industry. To keep transparency of our process, we strive hard:
- To attain accountability by timely disclosure of legal information.
- To ensure the decision making that give win-win situation to stakeholders.
- To manage internal control systems and incorporate risk management systems.
- To enhance the credibility of the management system through monitoring consistently